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$ 30.00
"The main object of my work, in fact, had a bearing wide from the sober aim of history; but one which, I trust, will meet with some indulgence from poetic minds. It was to embody the tradi­tions of our city in an amusing form; to illustrate its local humors, customs, and peculiarities; to clothe home scenes and places and miliar names with those imaginative and whimsical associations so seldom met with in our new country, but which live like charms and spells about the cities of the old world, binding the heart of the native inhabitant to his home."
- Irving Washington A History of New York
The heat of the night produces excess to extrapolate energy within. A seemingly simple appropriation decorates the front of the shirt. The wearer activates the shirt via perspiration, which when run through the interior back negative image creates text on the back -- a micro-manifesto, ultimately fraught and disguised with poetics. 

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